Because my family is in the meat industry, I grew up in an environment where I became familiar with the pig as a cooking ingredient. I've always believed in bringing innovation to a traditional industry; that's why I switched from being an engineer to running an online food business. By sharing food recipes, I was fortunate enough to receive attention from the media and eventually published my recipe book: "The Prince of Pork."
因為家族長輩皆經營⾁品⽣意,所以從⼩在這產業長⼤的我,對豬⾁這份食材特別熟悉。 認為傳統產業仍有創新的機會,所以從⼯程師轉⽽經營網路⽣鮮,並藉由分享食譜的⽅式, 受到媒體及出版社關注,進⽽出版食譜書。
Being an engineer definitely makes me pay more attention to the proportion of recipes, processes, and success rates. I want people to easily obtained ingredients and through precise recipes, everyone can create simple meals at home.
會更注重食譜的比例、步驟及成功率。 讓⼤家以⽅便取得的食材,透過精確的食譜,輕鬆在家完成料理。
Over the past few years, Taiwan has been paying more attention to the promotion of local ingredients, which has made the public value our culture and cuisine more. When I first shared recipes with others, I found that as long as I presented traditional cuisine differently, readers became more engaged and interested. In these recipes, Taiwanese cuisine continues to retain its traditional flavors while keeping pace with the times.
這些年來,台灣越來越注重在地食材的推廣,進⽽使⺠眾更重視在地的⽂化及料理。 在和⼤家分享食譜的這段時間,發現傳統料理只要透過有別以往的風格呈現,讀者們會更感興趣。 我想讓台灣料理繼續保有傳統的風味,並透過與時俱進的展現⽅式,是我這些年和台灣料理的關係。
Braised pork belly over rice — this dish is Taiwan’s most famous pork dish, and it is also loved all over the world. In Taiwan, every family has their way of cooking pork belly. For me, I learned this recipe from my mother. The way she cooks is the same as how she raised me: take one step at a time; you can’t rush when you cooking; make sure that all of the spices and aroma are there. Just like anyone’s achievement in life, it all depends on the accumulation of little things, and through pork belly, I inherited my family’s tradition.
滷⾁飯。這道菜是台灣最著名的豬⾁料理,同時更受到全世界的喜愛。 在台灣,每個家庭都有⾃⼰料理滷⾁飯的⽅式,⽽我就是和媽媽學習這道料理,她的料理⽅法就像從⼩教導我的處事觀念:⼀步⼀腳印料理過程中不能⼼急,確實把每⼀個香料拌炒⾄香氣呈現,就像⼈⽣的成就,是靠⼀點⼀滴 的累積。 所以,滷⾁飯對我來說,有著繼承傳統的信念。
手切滷肉飯 / Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly Rice Bowl
食材 4-6人份 / Ingredients - prepares 4 to 6 servings
五花肉(帶皮) / Pork belly - 380g
大蒜(切末) / Garlic, minced - 20g
紅蔥頭(切末) / Shallot, minced - 20g
熱水 / Hot water
調味 / Seasoning:
紅糖 / Light brown sugar - 1湯匙(tbsp)
白胡椒粉 / White pepper powder - 1茶匙(tsp)
五香粉 / Five spice powder - 1/2茶匙(tsp)
醬油 / Soy sauce - 50ml